1973, January 29th, Vancouver Sun
In an insightful article titled "Law Firms Admit Discrimination," published on January 29th, 1973, in the Vancouver Sun, on the issue of gender discrimination in Toronto law firms was brought to light. According to the piece, forty percent of these firms openly acknowledged their bias against women applicants. This revelation was a significant moment in the ongoing struggle for gender equality in the legal profession.
The article also highlighted Marie Corbett's speech at the Ontario Conference on Women, where she addressed the pervasive nature of discrimination and the critical need for women in responsible positions to take a stand.
During her speech at the conference, she emphasized that the refusal to take risks is a widespread issue among women in high-responsibility roles. She urged her colleagues to assume responsibility for one another and to ensure their visibility within the community.
By being active and present, we not only challenge the status quo but also inspire and support each other in breaking down barriers. This article serves as a reminder of the progress we've made and the work that still needs to be done to achieve true equality in the workplace.
